The 4-H livestock group is getting back in gear. The group will be meeting on the 3rd Mondays at 6:00.
Lots of people think 4-H is all about living on a farm and raising a cow or a pig, taking it to fair, winning a blue ribbon and maybe selling the animal to earn money for college. For some youth, that’s true, although there’s a lot more to it than that!
The 4-H Livestock Program includes programs for those youth who own/have access to livestock and those who do not, but still want to learn about the science of livestock:
learning about selecting, raising, feeding, caring for, judging, training and showing animals. Activities can include everything from educational and fun club meetings, livestock shows, service projects, judging contests, and leadership opportunities.
The upcoming Monday, September 19, will be a formation/planning session, getting ideas and suggestions for what participants would like to do in the group.
For more information, you may ask Eddy Labus at 264-3061, email eddy_labus@ncsu.edu
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